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Eat for the SEASON not the DAY

Is WINTER faking you out? This morning I was driving my son to school on the icy roads and he said:

"Sheesh, really Boulder? "

These crazy weather patterns we experience here in Boulder are a little hard on the system and hard to predict at this time of year.

One day it is springy and warm and I feel my spring fever bubbling up, and the next we are shoveling 2 feet of snow off of our driveway and I am back in hibernation mode.

Even though my son was born and raised here in Colorado, it still boggles his mind to witness the Colorado weather patterns.  

It is a confusing time of year for the body and immune system and so many people have been struggling with cold and flu this year.


There is a saying in Chinese Medicine that says:

"Dress for the season, not the day."

I have adopted this moto and added my own little spin:

"Eat for the season, not the day."

It is still winter for most of us, and although I am excited about the upcoming spring season and enjoying the occasional warmer day, it is still helpful to stay warm and well nourished for the remaining days of winter.

February and March are often the months with the most irratic weather.  Our bodies are going through a lot to keep ourselves strong and healthy.

We have to be sure to stay AHEAD of the weather.

How you may ask?

When we stay in the season with our eating, our self care, body care, we will naturally be more attuned to the season, and strengthen our immune systems for this final push of winter.

Want a few immune boosting tips?

Keep reading...

Just tired of Winter?  

Come with us on a goddess journey to Bali.  We have a few spots left. Click here for details.

Winter Immunity Insights

1.  Stay warm.

Keep your kidneys and bladder warm (and the rest of your body as well).  You can use warming foods, teas, topical essential oils, sesame oil, and warm clothing to insulate and nourish the your core.  Scarves are a nice addition to protect the windgate – the space at the back of your neck – where pathogens can enter.

Even if the weather is warmer than an average winter day, which often happens in my home state COLORADO, be sure to “DRESS FOR THE SEASON, NOT THE DAY”.   Stay insulated to keep the immunity strong.


2.  Oil of Oregano

Are you fighting the common winter cold, or flu this winter?  Oil of Oregano is one of my favorite treatments for both immune boosting and anti-bacterial and anti-viral support.

Did you know just a few drops of Oregano Oil in the diffuser or vaporizer can give you some relief?

Even better – add a few drops to your cooking and enjoy the delicious flavor and immune boosting qualities with your dinner.

Because this potent oil is so strong, make sure you dilute it substantially or take it in a protective capsule.  With my big pot of homemade chicken soup I only use 2 drops…3 is too many, and too strong.  (See recipe below)

(avoid if you are pregnant, or breastfeeding or an infant)





3.  Ritual Baths

There are many many benefits to baths at this time of year.  Aside from the warming and relaxing qualities there are also deeper support from certain types of baths.  You can always resort to the simple Epson salts bath if you like, but here I am going to provide you with some specific and unique baths to use to synch up with winter – mind, body and soul.

  • Add a teaspoon of coconut oil for a warm and insulating
  • Add some chunks of fresh ginger.  Ginger is a natural immune booster and when you soak in a ginger tea bath you absorb the ginger and allow the body to purify and release the pathogens.  Stay warm and get right in bed after.
  • Feeling a little down in the cold days of winter?  Sweeten up your mood with a "sweet like honey" bath.  Add a cup of raw honey to your bath and watch your seasonal funk slip away.  Honey baths remind us of the sweetness of life.







This $hit Works

EPY-brainstormFor me, everything starts with a vision.  That moment when my thoughts create an inspiring idea and I feel the ZAZAZOO (yes, I just used a Carrie Bradshaw word) that lights me up. I know you know what I mean.  It could be planning for a trip, buying a house, designing a new piece of art, or uplifting your business.

The picture above is the very first day when Eat.Pray.Yoga made it onto paper over 1 1/2 years ago now.  I remember the day so well...

I cleared my schedule, went and bought that big blank pad of paper + those colorful sharpies, made a big pot of tea, and put on some great music.

It was the most delicious afternoon of creating, mapping out, and pouring my heart and soul into this exciting vision.

I am sharing this with you today, because you to can turn your visions into reality also.  Even if you feel uninspired, stuck, or a bit hopeless I know you have some kind of little spark in there.  Something that lights you up.

We all get stuck, delayed, or sometimes life happens and puts a big obstacle in our progress - that absolutely happened to me in writing Eat.Pray.Yoga - but if we keep moving towards our vision, one day at a time,  sometime soon it manifests.

Today I am going to share with you my top 3 creation/ manifestation/ make your vision a reality TIPS, so that we can all move towards a fulfilling life that is steeped in heart, creativity, and success in whatever it is we are seeking.  You can find the top 3 turn your vision into reality TIPS below.

Also, the fully manifested EAT.PRAY.YOGA 40 DAY on line program for women begins MONDAY January 19th!

If you are planning to register, let me know.

Join me in this exciting quest into a deeper relationship with self, nourishment and self love that both transform your relationship with food and body + last a lifetime.   I promise to get your ZAZAZOO going.

3 TIPS to make your VISION into a REALTY:

 1.  What LIGHTS you up?  

Once you feel into your vision it is helpful to connect with the spark that is desire, that is your passion, that is YOU.  Every vision becomes more potent with more potential energy that is behind it.  When your idea/vision/dream becomes clear, stoke it up with some serious inner fire, some strong empowered thoughts or affirmations, and some SHAKTI.  Soon it will have a life of it's own.

2.  Stay TRUE to the VISION.  

What was the original vision?  Sometimes life guides us on a pathway to enhance our vision and other times the obstacles and self doubt can detour us in unnecessary ways.  Clear your old inhibiting and limiting beliefs about you achieving what you want as best you can - alert yourself to these self-sabotaging thought patterns and negative internal dialogue trajectories.

Your TRUE self is guided, wise, and intuitive.  Come back to your pure vision, and remember WHY you created it to begin with.  Don't let the monkey-mind water it down, procrastinate or avoid your true potential.

3.  Think it, feel it, trust it.

You are ENOUGH.  The UNIVERSE has your back.  Once you align your thoughts, your feelings and your inner faith into being guided on the perfect wanderlust, you can just simply surrender to what is and embrace all that you are in your strong, powerful self.    You are a deliberate, soulful being with plenty of high vibration and love to go around.

When you trust that you can vibrate as high as your vision - you will see it manifest along with everything you need to make your vision a realty.

Eat.Pray.Yoga. — my 40-day on line mind-body eating program for women who are seeking to improve emotional eating habits, relationship with food, overeating, and body image issues —  or just simply need some support in the body/health/self-love realm.

In this program you’ll discover how to attune your body to become your barometer, understand your best approach for eating with pleasure and soul, and find your power in your relationship to food and health.

I’m so excited to share this with you, and if it's the right fit, I would be honored to support you in taking charge of your health.

So, if you know 2015 is your year to make your relationship to food and your power a priority, now is the best time to sign up for Eat.Pray.Yoga.

Let's make 2015 your best year yet!!

Questions?  Shoot me an email.

With love, Sue





Creating a life you LOVE has to start SOMEWHERE

If you are anything like me, you probably have some pretty big hopes and dreams for how your time is going to play out here on earth. You likely want to feel good so you can give back to your great circle of life + you probably want to be able to look back and feel like you lived out your purpose, love, and passions as much as you could have.

Living a fulfilling life not only feels good in the moment but it can have a HUGE impact on our health, happiness and our relationship with food.


One of my favorite questions to ask my clients is:

 "What are you REALLY hungry for?"

Why?  Because so often when we are lacking fulfillment in our day-to-day lives we are then trying to eat our way to comfort and pleasure.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately this approach to fulfillment (i.e. food) doesn't work.  I have tried it, and I have witnessed hundreds of women who keep turning to food for pleasure, love, and comfort and it doesn't work for them either.

So, if you were to work on creating the life that would fulfill you, what would that look like?

What are YOU hungry for?

We are going to start with #1  (you can read the original blog post here).

For me, one of the biggest tools to finding fulfillment in my life begins with how I spend my time.  What do I do with my schedule to support what I WANT in my life?

For example... If I want more yoga in my week, I have to SCHEDULE it!  If I want more time to write for my business, I have to SCHEDULE it.

 "If it isn't scheduled it isn't real."

So this week I am giving you a BLANK IDEAL CALENDAR template to create your IDEAL week, and include everything you can to make your life exciting, fulfilling and balanced.

Bonus:  I am also attaching MY IDEAL CALENDAR in case you missed it last time.

I just finished mine for the fall a few weeks ago, and I have to say, life DID get more fulfilling.  I love my new schedule.

{Do I always make it happen just right?  Absolutely not.  But it is a great template with which to work towards my fulfillment and it includes almost every single thing I want in my life..}


Here are your Ideal Calendar Instructions: 


1.    Write a list of all the things you want to include in your ideal week.  Be sure you are being reasonable!  It is important to be realistic here.  What are your priorities? Make sure you include work, free time, and downtime.

2.  Prioritize the list with the most time consuming stuff at the top and the least time consuming at the bottom.

3.   Download the template.  You can do that above on the link.  It is customizable, meaning you can change colors, the font, the size of the time modules.  If you do not know excel, you can just click each box and type in your event.  You can also create your own calendar if you want to use your artistic side.

4. Start with the largest time events first.  This is the part that is like putting together a puzzle.  This is the puzzle that = your fulfillment so take your time.  Be patient.  Stay with it.  Believe in possibility and happiness.

5.  Share it with us!  We can all use some fresh perspective.  If you save this as a PDF or take a picture you can post it to our FaceBook page.



Tired, Stressed, Overwhelmed?

 5 Simple Steps to Bringing Back YOUR  Balance.


Yes, it is true.  Yes to all of the above.  I know these feelings inside and out.

It can happen so easily with just one little thing that throws me off balance, or it can just BE the way I see everything about life sometimes.

Busy, Stressed, Overwhelmed used to be my middle name.

I feel it, I know it well and boy does it know me.

Back in the day, when my kids wee little tikes, I was still figuring out single parenting and my business was just launching (2003) - I was ALWAYS overwhelmed.

Not only was I overwhelmed in my life, but I am pretty sure I talked about, complained about, and lived OVERWHELM in every part of my being.

Looking back, I was complaining about this, crying about this, and wishing things were different for quite some time.  I was a mess.

I was constantly juggling 2 small kids, child care, logistics, making food, cleaning up the constant mess, and trying desperately to take care of myself while still giving everything else I had to my business and my vision.


Why am I telling you this?

Well, the one thing I know is that if I can find balance, so can you.

It is not always easy, and sometimes I had to truly dig deep, cry it out and ask for help (not easy for me), but taking care of ourselves, feeding ourselves (and our families) and fitting in the things that make life flow a little smoother are totally possible, even if you can't imagine how.

Today I am going to share with you just a few things I learned (the hard way) so that you can find your own balance, radiance, health and ease in this life - with maybe less bumps in the road then I had.

In fact, what I truly want for you is GRACE, HARMONY and JOY in your life especially in your relationship with food and your body so that you have the energy and passion to share all the gifts you have in all aspects of your life.


I am going to spend my next 5 posts diving into each one of these in depth, BUT for now a little sneak preview of what is coming and what works.  If you need more info, just simply stay tuned and by the end of the next 5 weeks, you will be feeling inspired and ready to conquer your life with a fresh perspective.

1.  Create your DREAM calendar.  Now this is NOT a calendar that will SOMEDAY be yours - like a dream house. This IS a calendar that reflects what you want RIGHT NOW.  Include your intentions, your work schedule, your self care, all into your ideal week.

I do this every season.  I change some things based on the weather, my kids schedule and what I am currently working on.

THIS is the NUMBER 1 thing that took me out of everyday OVERWHELM.  I am attaching my Ideal calendar - Fall 2014 here (I just finished it last week for the fall quarter) and I hope you sit with what yours might look like.  We will dig in to this more next week so get ready to create the life you love.



2. Get some SLEEP.  So often we are exhausted.   Fatigue contributes to the overwhelm like nothing else.  Sleep is the one things that raises our tolerance for life and all the tasks at hand.  Shoot for 8 hours minimum - no I am not kidding.  Even if you think that is impossible, you will find that you can get WAY more done during the day and handle all the curve balls that come your way when you are well rested.

**There is one exception.  If you are a new mom, and you cannot get anywhere close to that amount of sleep, know that you are not alone.  I honestly did not sleep through the night for almost 6 years.  I know fatigue well.  I also know that we have to get the most sleep we can and that this phase passes. I highly encourage NAPPING, asking for support, and giving yourself a break in the first year of mothering (or fathering) any chance you get.  (I just didn't want to trigger you if you who have no control over your sleep.)




3.  Eat HIGH VIBRATIONAL FOODS - Quick, easy and HEALTHY meals are totally possible.  As I said above, we are going to dive into this one full on in 3 weeks, BUT It is so important to know that YOU can eat healthily EVEN if you are busy.  If you want to live a high vibrational life, you need to feed your body just that.  High vibrational food.  In fact, it is how you are going to get through the business like a superstar.  If BUSY is your primary excuse, get ready to let it go.

Food can be prepared in big batches, used as left overs for lunches, frozen in the freezer for those long days when you don't have time to cook, and can still TOTALLY fit into your budget.  I will show you how I PROMISE.



4.  SIMPLIFY.  Are lives are so full of STUFF, EMAILS, PHONE CALLS. and CLUTTER.  It is WAY over the top.  There are so many wonderful ways to have BOUNDARIES around this, while still getting things done, keeping things tidy (less overwhelm) and deciding when we are available to our electronic communications.

Try cleaning up your space, getting rid of the old, and making room for the new.  FALL is a great time for a fresh start so clean our the pantry, give away some old clothes, or de-clutter your living room.  Then take a big EXHALE.  Clutter is a HUGE contributor to overwhelm.

One of my favorite practices is turning off electronics for a one or two hours every evening.  Take an official BREAK.  Turn OFF your phone, SHUT down your computer, and simply live in the spaciousness of your freedom to relax your nervous system.   Pick your times and then close up shop for just a bit.



5.  Find some STILLNESS - Daily meditation for me is like my daily shower.  I cleanse my body in the shower, and I cleanse my mind in my morning meditation.  I shoot for 15 minutes each morning.  Sometimes I can do 30, but other days I squeeze in just 5-10 minutes.  I am so committed to this practice.  Every morning I wake up (30 min at least before my children), take a shower, make some tea, and head to the cushion for a few minutes to find the inner stillness and connection that fuels me through the day.

This one often intimidates people, especially if you have not practiced mediation before, but I know you can find 5 minutes in the morning to begin this practice.  In the upcoming weeks I will share with your some brilliant meditation tips to get you started, and a starter guided meditation.  For now, just sit, turn on your timer, and breath.  That is it.  5 minutes a day will change your life.



This is what I did, and that does not mean it is going to work 100% for you, so if you get an absolute "NO" when you read this, it's okay, we all have our own path to health and happiness.


there ARE also some universal truths to gain from this.  You can distill what sounds like the right place for you to start.  I will be cheering you on.

I will be sending you major kudos and knowing that you can find the eye of your hurricane, the inner peace even amongst the chaos and most of all the ability to take care of YOU first and foremost.

We live super busy lives these days, and it takes practice figuring out how to navigate the overwhelm.  In just a few short steps and a few extra minutes per day you can create the life you LOVE and find some peace in the process.

Also, if you have any challenges to acknowledge, stories to share, and of course success to celebrate please post them here, share the wealth of your knowledge and wisdom with us.



What's in your LUNCH BOX?

The stores are shouting back to school, the air starts to have a slight nip in its evening breeze and the yearning for a life with some sense of structure and rhythm is before us. Summer is fleeting.  The long days at the pool and late night BBQ’s drift into our memories and come to an end for another year.  We feel the little twinge of letting go as we settle back into another school year.




I always think of the new school year as a new beginning.  Many people consider this a time to revamp, recharge and get in gear for a great year with their families, and themselves.  Upping the anti in the area of health is a big focus for many families as we start anew.

One of the biggest challenges I hear from parents as we settle back into the fall is:  How do I create the every day SCHOOL LUNCH keeping kids happy, healthy and strong?

Don’t fret.  It is possible to make lunch box ingredients enticing, nutrient dense and yummy for your kids.  You can find your groove; it just might take a little shift in your thinking and a little preparation in your life for the ease to flow this fall.

Your school lunches are never going to be easier, tastier, and more efficient than if you follow these tips below, and, you will also see some great lunch ideas to get you started.  You are off to a GREAT start.




1.  GO CONTAINER SHOPPING:  I know it sounds simple, but having the appropriate carrier makes all the difference in your ease and efficiency.

  • The BENTO LUNCH BOX is the perfect set up.  It has all the compartments and containers you could want, plus an insulated chiller bag to keep your munchkins lunch fresh.
  • OR Buy a variety of small containers that have good lids and fit together well.  Those little fingers will be so excited and amazed at what they find inside.
  • A WIDE MOUTH THERMOS will save the day.  We use it almost daily for leftovers, soups and stews that will nourish the little buddies when they need something warm.  They make little mini versions perfect for a young one and easy to manage.


2.  CREATE YOUR MENU: I always think in terms of having some easy default plans.  You know, the ones where you have to think very little.  Find 3 top lunches (check out the list below) that work for you and your kiddo and try to keep as much of that around for a quick and stress free assembly.  It does not have to be gourmet, complicated or require a lot of time to be healthy and for your kids to love lunching.


 3.  THINK IN TERMS OF FOOD GROUPS: A balanced meal is made of 4 building blocks.  A protein, a fat, a carbohydrate (in its whole form is best – includes fruit) and a veggie of some kind.    If you can think in this formula you will be golden.  Need an example?  No problem.

  • A hard boiled egg of dish of egg salad = protein + fat

(Feel free to include some flax crackers or carrot sticks for dipping)

  • A container of strawberries = Carbohydrate
  • Left over steamed broccoli = veggie
  • BONUS – some nuts and dried fruit for a snack.


4.  MAKE A LIST:  Being prepared is ALWAYS the best road to success.  This is also true in the world of school lunches. Once you get your GO-TO lunches down it is easy breezy, you’ve just got to be prepared.  Go to the store EVERY SUNDAY to gather what you need for the week.  Then it is a SURE THING.  Make your list for the week and don’t forget to include enough ingredients for dinner leftovers – they make the best school lunches.


5.  LOVE YOUR LITTLE GUY/GAL:  This year, amidst a cold winter dark morning when I had just about had it with school lunches all together, I stood in my kitchen in my cozy bathrobe with my hot cup of morning tea.  I stood there blank, empty, and done.  “I can’t make another lunch.  I am fried.”  It took a few mystical moments but soon after my first thought I was flooded with love.  Love for my kids, and love and passion for health.

Every school lunch is like a daily practice for me, loving my kids through food and nourishment.  So when I totally dry up in the world of creativity, I can dig deep into that well of love, and there it is.

I have made thousands of school lunches at this point.  My kids are 17 and 13.  They have never eaten lunch from the cafeteria regularly, always homemade. You can do it.  Do it for love.


6.  TAKE CARE OF SELF:  I know we hear it all the time, but sometimes we NEVER REALLY hear it!  You have to take care of yourself first.  Parenting will drain you.  It is joyful and magical, and it is challenging and hard.   The only way out of this is to feed yourself, love yourself, and give as much attention to your lunch as you do to theirs.

Keep your cup filled up and you will have more to give.  Food is such a primary way we show love to others, and food is such an important way we nourish ourselves.


I have many ideas to share with you.  Some have been my go-to’s for years:

  • Beef and veggie stew – we pre-make in the crock pot all day on Sundays.  Grass fed beef, red potato (or various root veggies), celery, carrot, onion, with beef broth for flavor and spiced + salted to taste. We top it off with kale at the end. Ari takes this in his thermos for days.
  • Organic chicken sausage pan-fried with rice, a small container of sauerkraut, and seaweed.


Some favorite lunches are gathered from a potpourri of the other health practitioners in this community.  When asked what their kids favorite lunches are here is what they said:

  • Black beans and brown rice with chopped veggies simmered in with the beans. Organic corn chips with goat cheese wedges, baby tomatoes and sliced apples! Always a winner w Jackson :)  – Erika Anderson, Licensed Acupuncturist, Boulder Sports Acupuncture


  • Avocado and tomato salad with olive oil and sea salt. Chicken salad with dried cherries and cashews with flax crackers. Squash fries with dipping sauce. Sofie eats it up every time.– Jessica Emich, Executive chef and co-owner of Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place


  • For Sam- a thermos of beans & rice, seaweed, organic apple, a raw red peppers. – Kim Millison, Licensed Acupuncturist.


  • Tess loves quinoa, broccoli and crumbled goat cheese. I add cashews, a side of avocado slices and seaweed. – Deb Rubin, Licensed Social Worker (Couples and Parenting specialist)


  • Nora's favorite lunches are California rolls- we pre-make rice for the week, add carrots and cucumbers and lots of gomasio, and wrap it up in nori- she loves them. – Kristin Savory, Licensed Acupuncturist, Grow Vibrant.

Twitter_logo_blue “The practice of doing more than necessary works best when packing lunch boxes” ― Josh Stern





Tips from a Travelling Yogini

Yoga mat in toe, organic plane snacks along side...uplift your health and happiness this summer while you hit the road for some final adventures before the back to school, fall routine, and change of weather creeps in.


Weather you are the classic ROAD TRIPPER or more of the INTERNATIONAL ADVENTURER you will find these tips help you fine tune your travel.

Personally, I get so full and inspired in my day-to-day life, that sometimes the thought of a vacation intimidates me.  Because I love my HOME life so much, infused with daily practice, good food, and SUE time each and every week, sometimes I forget about how great a vacation can be for the soul.

Loving life is a wonderful gift, but taking a break is still a great health prescription.  Walking away from the computer, the daily pulls of life and officially unplugging, and exploring my more adventurous side is one essential ingredient to my health plan.

I sent my retreat team a little bon voyage text this morning, my international travel buddies, as most often they sit next to me on these big trips to our annual women’s health + yoga retreat.  We have our routine down.  Who brings the avocado, the dark chocolate, the almond butter packets, green drinks, and the nori?


This time, it’s just me.   Some may think I go over board with the super food lunches I pack for ski trips, or the elaborate snacks I take on the plane, but I am always thankful I did.  The truth is, I enjoy the ability to make trips easeful, pleasurable and healthy.

Yes, I am bringing my yoga mat, my own personal stash of melatonin to help with the jet lag (it is a winner), some soothing essential oils, and some raw whey protein shakes incase I get hungry later.

What do you do when you travel? I have some great YOGINI travel tips for you below.  These TRAVEL EASY tips that will enhance the rest of your summer and beyond.

This is my personal variation of a famous John Kabat Zinn quote:

Wherever you go ...there you are, so make the WHERE YOU ARE part great.  It’s the only place you will ever be!! 

SUMMER'S Travel Easy tips for Health and Happiness


Fueling yourself in a satiating and grounding way when you travel will not only enhance your health, but it will also keep your energy good and keep the cranky traveler at bay.

  • Bring Food. Take a special trip to the store for travel snacks.  Stock up on easy, portable and nutrient dense foods that you enjoy.  Food such as nuts, dried fruit, avocado, nori, and Justin’s almond butter packs are foodie fuel and an asset for your travels.
  • Do a little research.  If you are travelling to a new city or a new country, there is plenty of info online.  Eating more locally and healthful in a new place can be very exciting!  Talk to the fisherman, the restaurant owners, and the local farmers and get the SCOOP.  Tantalize your taste buds with new combinations and ideas with what is available in the area.




 Worried about your digestion?  Many complain about their digestion when on the road, or traveling about.  Don’t despair.  Your digestion CAN adjust.  Try this:

  • Hydrating is the number 1 travel tip.   If there is anything that does not agree with you, drinking plenty of water will help flush it out, while also keeping your body hydrated.  Many airports now have purified water refill stations so you do not have to keep using the plastic bottles.  Bring an empty water bottle and fill it up after you cross security.
  • Try some flax seed, probiotics, or chia seeds .  Each of these supports your digestion in a different way.  The flax and chia keep you from being constipated, while the probiotics protect your from foreign flora and boost your immunity.  These can all be mixed with water, and taken easily on the road.
  • Many essential oils really help with indigestion, and IBS symptoms.  I use the DigestZen from DOTERRA.  DOTERRA makes therapeutic grade oil that is both safe for topical and internal use.  It is soothing and comforting for your traveling belly.




Many folks experience plenty of travel tension.  From planning logistics, to leaving home, to lifting off land for air travel, tension unfortunately can create some dis-ease in your travels.  Many of us are uncomfortable getting out of our comfort zones.  Here are a few of my favorite tension tamers for your travel.

  • Load up your IPOD with some good relaxing music, chanting, or even guided meditations.  Watch your nervous system unwind as you connect mind and body.
  • If you often get nervous or anxious on any particular leg of your trip, pick up some GABA at the local health food store.  GABA is a natural amino acid that feed the GABA neurotransmitter, turning down the stressful anxious part of your nervous system.  For faster relief, purchase the sublingual type.  GABA can be used to help with sleep, stress and even a panic or anxiety attack.  It works within about 20 minutes of taking and is totally safe with any medications.
  • Writing about your tension can offer a deeper relationship to “what it is really about”.  So often the first emotion we feel is disguising the deeper emotion.  Journaling can start to unravel the situation and support you in a more fulfilling inquiry into yourself and your stress.




 When in Rome…” Going somewhere brings adventure, new ways of being and doing.  Often we are pushed out of our comfort zone and into something that can open our minds into seeing new possibilities.  We may never be the same again.

  • Take time each day to pause and check in.  What are you learning from being in this new place.  How can you absorb your surrounding, culture, people through the witness mind?
  • Stay centered.  Being centered while on the move is not easy.  Set aside a few minutes a day to focus on your breath and body.  TUNE IN.  A simple practice can go a long way.
  • Remember to LET GO.  Travel adventures are unpredictable, spontaneous, and exciting.  The beauty is in the mystery.  The more you can LET GO of expectation, the more you can roll with the adventures completely and have a blast.




Sweet like HONEY

Ahhh, the sweetness of summer… The warm sun waking us up to frolic outside in the early morning warmth, the expansiveness we find in our hearts as we enjoy the outdoors, the community and fun in the sun.

 There are many ways to sweeten things up in both our lives and in our foods.  Sweet is the flavor of the heart and reminds us of the sweetness of life.

During the summer the sweeter fruits ripen, and the sweetness of summer is all around. Here are some tips to keep your sweetening in balance while still expanding into the flavor of summer.


 5 Health Tips to Sweetening Things Up:

 1.     Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Due to the many health risks associated with too much sugar, many folks have tried to take short cuts using artificial sweeteners in place of the natural sweet.  The media has enforced this gives the taste buds and the body the message that we are enjoying the sweet flavor without the cost.  Unfortunately this is a short cut NOT worth taking.  Many artificial sweeteners create addictive patterns, cravings, and serious withdrawal symptoms.

Avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. While the mechanisms of harm may differ, they’re ALL harmful in one way or another. This includes aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal), sucralose (Splenda) and any other artificial sweeteners.

  • Aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal) contains high amounts of phenylalanine and aspartic acid.  While these amino acids are found naturally in the body when they are combined out of there natural ratio they can cause many side effects such as headaches, mental confusion, dizziness and seizures.  As these amino acids break down in this out of balance combination, they can literally break down into a form of formaldehyde which is toxic to the body.
  • Splenda is the artificial sweetener other wise known as sucralose.  This sweetener has received a ton of press in the past few years, leading us down the road to discovering not only is this sweetener made up of a high percentage of chlorine, but now recent studies show that sucralose may raise bloods sugar insulin levels, kill of good bacteria in the GI tract, and in long term exposure damage DNA permanently.

2.     Get Back to Basics

Eat a whole food diet to reset your taste buds.  The body thrives when we eat our foods close to nature, whole, simple, clean and alive.  These ancient principles of eating are great guidelines to how to grocery shop, cook and feed our bodies nourishing foods.  The palate can transform back to its original and intended tasting organ as we purify our diets.

When we are competing with really strong enhanced flavors found in mainstream processed foods, such as super salty foods or overly sweet sodas, we become so over stimulated by our taste buds that something like an apple or a carrot looses it appeal.

Coming back to the basics with whole food eating will recalibrate your taste buds and a lot of those strong flavors (especially sugar) will vanish from your cravings.

3.     Use Natural Sweeteners

Sweetening your food is something many of us seek in our day-to-day meals, healthy deserts and snacks.  With the whole food eating in mind, you will notice that your palate adjusts and what used to taste pleasantly sweet (like a soda) may now be too sweet to drink.

Finding natural sweeteners to use in your baking, sauces and creations in the kitchen is a great option to enhance your flavors while still keeping your flavors in balance.  Here are some of my favorites.

  • Raw honey is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.  It is a pure source of sweet and even though it is fairly high on the glycemic index scale, a little goes a very long way.  The health benefits of local raw honey include naturally suppressing the common cough, aiding in a good nights sleep (by facilitating typtophan), and boosting immunity to name a few.
  • Coconut sugar, made from the sap of the coconut palm, doesn't put stress on your blood sugar levels the same way that white sugar does. Because coconut sugar is unrefined, it retains all of its natural minerals and vitamins so it has a higher nutrient density.  Coconut sugar is easy to cook with and can be substituted 1:1 in recipes.
  • Maple syrup, made by boiling sap from the maple tree, contains compounds that could help manage Type 2 diabetes, as well as acting as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents.  Maple is full of many anti-oxidants, full of a wide range of vitamins and minerals especially zinc and manganese.  Many health experts are now calling pure maple syrup a champion food.
  • Xylitol is pure, natural with essentially no blood sugar response. Xylitol also comes with some benefits such as fighting tooth decay. Xylitol is safe, and a beneficial sweetener.

4.     Eat a Low Glycemic Diet.

If you an stick to a low glycemic diet you will not only see benefits in almost every area of your health, energy, sleep and metabolism, but you will also see your sugar cravings diminish before your eyes.    

The glycemic index of a particular food rates the food on how quickly it turns to sugar in your blood stream.  Processed carbohydrates and refined sugars are always going to rate very high on the spectrum where as proteins, fats, whole grains and some fruits will be low or moderate.

There are some added tricks to lowering the glycemic index of your meal.

  • First, you can add more protein – have some nuts with our dried fruit.
  • Second, you can add high quality fat – put a little olive oil on that piece of bread.
  • Third, you can add fiber or choose a high fiber version of the food – cook brown rice instead of white.

Eating a low glycemic diet is one of the quickest way to see your health and vitality turn around.  It is fairly simple and incredibly effective

5.     Sweeten Up Your Life

The sweet flavor has often been linked to love, pleasure, comfort and many other soothing qualities we all yearn for in our humanness.  Often, when we are not getting enough of these in our lives, we crave more sugar and overly self- soothe with the sweetness in food.

Try enhancing your life with the sweetness you can find in your daily down time, in the way that you exercise, the practices you do that activate your senses in a positive way, and especially the way you love yourself.  This is where the true sweetness is found.



Yes! I Am A Supplement QUEEN

To supplement or not to supplement?  This is the question.  I hear it each day.  It is controversial, confusing and overwhelming.  This information will help!
  • Some of you tell me "I don't like taking anything."
  • Some of you bring me your big huge bags of supplements and say "HELP.  What should I be taking?" (you know who you are!)
  • ...and some of you are the most organized folks I have ever seen with our vitamin boxes, your scheduled doses of everything I recommend each day to STAY blow me away!
Today, I am going to share with you my love of supplements and what I do to stay balanced.  First some science, and then you get to peak inside my personal supplement QUEENDOM for just a minute.Supplements are defined here as any nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic support taken by the individual.

vitaminsThe PROS

  • Our food today is surely lacking in vital nutrients. Methods of storing, processing and preserving food often severely strip the food of its nutritional value. Supplements can fill the GAP so to speak.
  • Many of the modern techniques used to grow food faster, larger and on nutritionally depleted soils has destroyed the original, natural quality of our food supply.  Supplements can enhance your quality of life.
  •  Supplements supply a therapeutic dose of nutrients which can easily compensate for the lacks in our food supply.  Like little nuggets of health, supplements may also provide many additional advantages supporting specific deficiencies, imbalances and health issues.
  • Quality Control:  Supplements vary in quality.  Most supplements are food grade, meaning they are regulated the same way food is.  Enough said?  They could be as high quality as an organic apple or as low as the historic Twinkie.  What to do?  Do your research, or have me do it for you.  You can read the Comparative Guide to Supplements or you can take only pharmaceutical grade supplements.  This will guarantee you the best purity, potency and absorbability possible.
  • Welcome to the Jungle - It is a jungle in the world of wall to wall supplements, sports drinks, shakes and metabolic enhancers.  OVERWHELMED may be the most common feeling consumers have in the supplement aisle.  Ask for help!  That is what WE, your health care practitioners are here for.  We get trained in this stuff.  We can guide you through the jungle.
  • Supplements CANNOT take the place of a well balanced diet.  Eat your greens!   You cannot replace one with the other.  They work like a charm together so eat your whole foods, and take your high quality supplements EVERY DAY.
  • Daily - My supplements come in a handy little health pack.  They are customized so they do change based on what I am going through etc.  You can always bet that there will be a pharmaceutical grade multi-vitamin and mineral, a potent and purified omega 3 (2-3/day) and some hefty antioxidants.  I get them from USANA health sciences.  (of course it is rated #1, that is why I get them).
  • Seasonally - In the spring I take extra quercitin, proflavanol (grape seed extract + vitamin C), I add in more ionic minerals to gently cleanse my body and some Product B (from Isagenix) to slow the aging process naturally by lengthening this telomeres. Special tricks: Sometimes I add extra calcium, and some calming formulas such as passion flower, GABA, and L-Theanine. (to help with my busy mind)
  • Quercitin - Quercitin is a natural anti-histamine and is fantastic for any spring allergies.  It does not inhibit the allergies, but while you are adjusting your diet and cleansing for the spring, quercitin will calm down those symptoms.
  • Nettles - One of my favorite herbs for almost EVERYTHING.  Nettles is delicious made into some tea and used to help with hay fever, boosting immunity, supporting the adrenals, and helping to alleviate allergy induced asthma.  


  • Spring Cleanse Program - Get your Spring Fever ON!  Cleansin in the Spring is the best thing you can do to clear up any stagnant energy in your body, shed excess body weight and get energized for the spring.  Come join our SPRING FEVER CLEANSE PROGRAM.



Get Your Spring Fever ON

As we emerge from the winter months, we wake up to the early morning sunlight returning and the smell of blooming flowers poking their heads through to warming earth.

Given the energetics of spring we often feel the urge to cleanse our lives, our bodies, and our beings for a clearer and energized new season of living life to the fullest.

As you read through the following tips, take a moment to ponder what needs cleansing in your life.  What do you seek to shed this spring to “lighten” up and access the inner freedom we all yearn for?

So often when we think of cleansing, we see visions of ancient yogi’s fasting, or modern health food junkies checking out the newest cleansing trends.

Don't fret, this year let's clean out and cleanse what is not serving us in our lives.  Let us use the energy of the season of spring to enhance the journey to more radiance and vitality from the inside out.

Your Spring Sparkle comes from a combination of so many components, some of which include of your inner health, your thoughts, how you move your body each day, and your sacred space or home.

1.  Body Bliss

Can you access the bliss your physical body is designed to feel?  When you wake up each day are you ready to conquer your life with energy and vitality?  If you feel like many people do these days, a little tired, a little sluggish try these health secrets to enhance your energy.

Eat with the season – As the leafy greens spring up, and the dandelions fill your yard, try finding some ways to cleanse your diet with some of natures spring gifts.

In the spring we are designed to eat lighter, darker and leafier greens, and oh those dandelions do wonders for cleansing the liver. (be sure they are pesticide free before you eat, or buy at your local health food store)

Juice – Juicing daily blesses the body with a huge amount of extra nutrients that are easily absorbed.  As you pulverize and strain those veggies in the juicer, you do a huge favor to your digestion. You pour liquid nutrients into your system for a fountain of amazing energy and purification.

Reset your energy with a Whole Food lifestyle – This spring try to eat only WHOLE FOODS for one whole week.  Whole food eating means eating food found in its whole form.  Avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates and foods that have an ingredient list.

2.  Flip your Script

If you are someone who hears your own self-critic loud and clear all day long, full of shame, blame and self sabotage…it is time to “clean” up your self-talk.  Flipping your script means giving your that common mental script an overhaul.  What are the most common thoughts that bring you down?  Are they about your body, your past decisions, your bad habits?

Whenever you hear the negative thoughts try to take note, then flip them around in to a positive affirmation as often as you can to practice unconditional happiness and self-love.

3.  Move it and Shake it

One of most effective ways to your energize your life is through daily movement.  How is your MOJO?  Practices such as YOGA, BRISK WALKING/HIKING and DANCE can move energy in big ways.  Get yourself out of inertia this spring and MOVE IT SHAKE IT GROOVE IT.  Enliven your spirit and up your MOJO with some juicy movement of your own.

Take walk in the beautiful spring air,  inspire yourself with your favorite yoga teacher or make yourself a new playlist to inspire your daily run. Learn to feel good in your body through movement you love.

4.  Clear out your Space

Spring-cleaning is not a made up phenomenon.  We naturally cleanse during the spring season because it feels so therapeutic to climb out of the winter hibernation into a fresh and clear environment.

Getting rid of the old and making room for the new is an important energizer for your space and your experience this spring.

But in addition to aesthetics, there are proven health reasons for steam-cleaning carpets, airing out curtains and the like noting that the benefits include preventing the spread of germs and keeping allergy symptoms at bay.

Clearing out clutter also helps make your environment a happier as well as a healthier place.  For a little spring cleaning joy, add some essential oils to your eco-friendly cleaning supplies.  Try rearranging and reorganize your sacred space.

You are off to a great start for some revitalization and renewal this year.  Spring is always an exciting time to start anew, plant our seeds of intention and watch, tend, and nurture them as the season unfolds.  Let’s make it a beauty!  Happy Spring.

It is the time for revitalization and renewal.  Spring is always an exciting time to start anew, plant our seeds of intention and watch, tend, and nurture them as the season unfolds.  Let’s make it a beauty.

Image courtesy of



How to live a FUNK Free February

Last week I felt the February FUNK hit me like a ton of bricks. I was blah, bored, uninspired, and I would have chosen to lay in bed all day watching Netflix if I had had the choice.  Who is this person I thought to myself?  I usually hop out of bed and feel so fired up for the day.  Then I realized, it's February!! Until this week, it has been a remarkably cold winter here in Boulder.  I have to admit, I have been hibernating more than ever.  I enjoy quiet nights by the fire with my book, long tea dates, and early nights to bed most of the time.  It just started to get a bit BORING....ZZZZ.  Sound familiar?

After a particularly blah night, I went to bed with one of those uncomfortable pits in my stomach.  Am I burnt out?  Depressed? Will winter ever end?  Is my entire purpose a joke? How am I going to make it through the FUNK?

I woke up that night about 3 am.  I couldn't fall back to sleep with my mind racing and my body unsettled.  I finally I reached for my journal.  How do I turn this around?

It took a bit of soul searching, but eventually I made a breakthrough.  With my pen to paper and some other forces at play in the depths of the dark night, I wrote about so many different parts of my life that feed me.  My time outside, my relationship, my daily practices, laughter...  had they all just been forgotten?  How did this happen?

WIthin my witching hour moment of breakthrough something very simple happened...I REMEMBERED!

I made a promise to myself. I HAVE to do these simple practices EVERYDAY.

My inner fire began to return with just the recognition of my personal recipe.  Although your recipe for living FUNK FREE  is likely different than mine, they probably have something in common.

Here's a little glimpse into my FUNK FREE formula....


Especially when it is cold and yucky out, it can require some serious motivation to bundle up and go outside. Once I do, though, the fresh air will gets my blood moving and helps me gain some perspective. Whether it is taking a short walk or going on a run or a hike, everything counts! We’ve all heard it before, but it is true - being outside in the sun provides us with our healthy daily intake of vitamin D, which we need to maintain well-being, so I make sure I am taking care of myself. Exposure to the sun also helps our bodies regulate our sleep, our appetites, and our hormonal functions, which can get out of whack during these months.

Make an effort to be outside a little bit every day to soak up some sunshine, or some fresh air and to connect with the nature around you.  Find the winter activities that work in your area and for your passion.  Try more skiing, snowshoeing, dog walking, sitting on a sunny porch, or even shoveling the drive.



When I say empowered, what I mean is I call the shots.  I enjoy having all the information I need to make an informed decision about how to fuel my body.  It does take practice but with just a little trial and error (and as much support as you need) you can learn how to feel radiant in your own skin via the food you eat.

Think of the most vital foods on the planet.  Imagine the most potent foods that nature has to offer.  I consciously eat more of those.  I purify my body as a temple.  I eat super foods like they are going out of style (see a recent post:  Super foods for Super Heroes) and embody the energy that our planet has to offer.

I juice, blend, steam, chop and create the most colorful, fresh, vibrant meals I can imagine and then feel how grateful my body is for this foodie fuel.


Want a little UPLIFT?  This year (February 9th, 2015) we are joining in our seasonal whole food purification to honor the season and the self care this season loves for us to embody.  Check out all the details here.



One of most effective ways to connect with your body’s natural energy is through energizing movement.  How is your MOJO?  Practices such as YOGA, BRISK WALKING/HIKING and DANCE can move energy in big ways.  I get myself out of inertia and MOVE IT, SHAKE IT, GROOVE IT.  I enliven my spirit and up my MOJO with some juicy movement of my own.  I SWEAT out the FUNK!!

Have your own private dance party, take a walk in the woods, or inspire yourself with your favorite yoga teacher.  Learn to FEEL good in your body to reconnect with your RADIANCE.



If you are like many of us, the energy of winter might have slowed down your social life. Think about the people and places that make you the happiest. Could you incorporate more of those things into your life again? It is important for our health and vitality to stay connected to the people and communities we love.  When I put effort into my friendships and connections, I feel supported by them in return. By showing up authentically and with an open heart, I see my friends and community will be receptive to me.

This can be one of the most rewarding efforts in pulling ourselves out of a funk: remembering we are a part of something greater and that we are loved. Becoming more involved in community also helps to take the focus off of ourselves and can re-inspire us to consider issues and opportunities beyond our normal scope of thinking. "Giving is the new getting."  What you give is what you get, so give it up!




It can be difficult to get the juices flowing when we are beginning from a place that is stagnant, down, or stuck. This is just it: be where you are, and go from there. There is no wrong time or space to begin creative expression. Whatever your outlet, honor where you are NOW first, and begin gently. One way to begin that I find helpful is to practice silent sitting meditation for a few minutes – the longer I can sit, the quieter my mind becomes, and the freer I am to express myself. Making time for creativity is an incredible way to express yourself and to move your energy around. Whether it is singing, playing an instrument, chanting, dancing, drawing, painting, crafting, cooking, or anything else that brings you joy – make time in your life to be creative. It will do WONDERS for your mood and your heart!



When all else fails, I change my perspective.  It is AMAZING what a weekend road trip or a tropical yoga retreat can do for the soul.  Often when we take a break from the day-to-day, if we are so fortunate, we can gain a new view of things.  We go from the worms eye view to the eagle eye view.

Just a simple shift in my environment brings me so much clarity.  This is why we plan our ALL WOMEN's International yoga + health retreats each year!  They have a positive impact on my life, and on our participants lives that last.  This year I am off to Bali for some culture and some clarity.  Thank Goddess!!  Want to join us?  All the details are HERE.


Keep up with tweeking and fine tuning your personal recipe.  It will serve you in the long run.  Come next February, you may also forget, but you can always come back and REMEMBER.




The WINTER SOLSTICE is one of my favorite days of the year. WHY?  Why is the darkest day of the year so enchanting you ask? I have been resisting the cold and dark this year,  like never before. This resistance to the natural ebb and flow of the season is new for me.  The returning of the light is a comfort to me, knowing it will start tomorrow eases my mind and heart.
I decided in the past few weeks, after a few ENCHANTING moments with myself - one in front of the fire place listening to Van Morrison on one of the coldest nights I can remember, and a few sitting in front of my sweet sparkly holiday tree in the early early morning - that I would find the MAGIC in the moments of the cold and dark winter nights.
We are on the FINAL descent into the darkest night, tomorrow, and I am READY to birth the sun both around me and within me.  Will you join me??

I often think of the idea of LIGHTING myself up at this time of year, and that is where the work ENCHANTMENT comes in.  How can you be ENCHANTED in your own life.  As the light returns, what do you YEARN for in your life?  How do you want to FEEL in the upcoming year? What are the core desires that you seek to fulfill in yourself?

I invite you to go inward and sit with these questions. Ponder what your heart is desiring and honor both where you are now, where you have been in the past year.  Be sure to include your successes, your completions, and all you have accomplished, as well as the direction you seek in your feeling body.  How do you want to feel?

The magic is always there to keep life full of ENCHANTMENT. The beauty and gratitude we focus on in our lives GROWS the more we focus on it.

May your darkest nights be full of MAGIC, SPARKLE, and WISDOM.  May the rebirth of the sun in your HEART guide you HOME.



Winter Myths Exposed

  How are you feeling??  As we make the official descent into the darkest nights for the next couple weeks, we are also wrought with holiday shopping, family in town, colder weather, and even what some consider the toughest time of year on the immune system.  

I thought it would be a good time to EXPOSE some winter MYTHS for you so you can enhance your darkest days with wisdom and wellness.    Do we REALLY need to worry about our WINTER WELL BEING?  Or our we designed perfectly to match up with the season and its energetics?

Here are some of the TOP winter wellness MYTHS to explore, and then move into the season with GUSTO feeling better than ever.



Myth #1:  Can you catch a cold by getting cold?

FALSE ~ A famous Chinese Medicine saying, "Dress for the season, not the day.", has always been my rule of thumb.  Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for a long time and it definitely provides some brilliant wisdom.  

Being in the elements poses no problems directly to our health, in fact it is invigorating and energizing to be outside even during the winter.  The only concern is if we are exposed to cold and wind, especially in a few target areas, we are weakened to on coming pathogens.


The wind gate it is often used to talk about the entire back of the neck and upper back. Accord­ing to TCM, exter­nal pathogens enter the body through the wind gate. In other words, we are most sus­cep­ti­ble to envi­ron­men­tal forces such as wind when our necks are exposed to the elements.


Inva­sion by wind can lead to those all-too-familiar cold and flu symp­toms — chills, fever, body aches, runny nose, con­ges­tion, and cough. This vul­ner­a­bil­ity is increased if we also go out­side with damp hair or do other things to impair our immune sys­tem responses (poor diet, inad­e­quate rest, lack of exer­cise, drink too much alco­hol, etc…).

**Cover the back of your neck, find some cozy scarfs to accent your outfits and stay protected!


Myth #2:  How is your mood?  Are folks sinking into the deep dark depression of winter more than ever?

TRUE ~ It is true that people have a harder time with depression in the colder and darker days, but it doesn't have to be the case for you!  WIth just some simple tweeks  you can improve your mood during the winter months!  

The holiday blues or SAD (seasonal affective disorder)?  Does this sound like you?  Try some light therapy, a heavy does of vitamin D, and if it gets unbearable, amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine and glutamine to the rescue to boost up your brain chemistry.

Be sure you eat a protein rich diet to build your seratonin, and get enough rest to rebuild and regenerate your energy.  

Find some magic in the darker nights by lighting a fire, slow cooking your dinner, cozying up with your favorite book and tapping into your creative side with your favorite art project.


Myth #3:  Does grandma's chicken soup and homemade ginger tea really do the trick??

TRUE ~ The old wives tales usually have a good story behind them.  This is one of those.  Warm soups and liquids have a direct impact on your immune system by creating a bringing the white blood cells (aggregation) together to fight off infection and help you feel better faster.

These warm fluids can soothe a sore throat, nourish a cold or flu, and warm you up from the inside out!!

Need a recipe?  Click here for the best 24 hour ginger chicken soup this winter...


Myth #4:  Do you really need more sleep during the winter?

TRUE ~ Tired?  The bears like to hibernate at this time of year, and so should you!  You may still have to live out your daily obligations, but it is natural to curl up and snuggle up earlier than in the long summer days.  It is organic during winter to rest more and rejuvenate your life force so you are ready for a zestful spring and summer season.  

Weather or not you NEED more hours of sleep is questionable, but most of us enjoy earlier quiet winter nights and more down time to connect inward.


Myth #5:  Do we have to gain those extra few pounds in the winter?

TRUE ~ It is true that this is a common phenomenon.  We may not get outside as much, or move our bodies as often.  We tend to whole up at home more with food a plenty especially over the holidays.  Is that what you want for yourself?

TRUE.... but not necessary.  Following your hunger cues attentively, doing a New Years cleanse, and being sure to move your body regularly will prevent those winter pounds from creeping on.  

It takes a plan, some good routines, and personal commitment to health and radiance!  You CAN do it.




The Benefits of Broccoli

Who knew?? This super powered vegetable family (AKA - Brassica) is power packed with so many vital nutrients that specifically address so many health issues of our time.A few years ago (well, maybe more than a few) I went to an inspiring seminar with Dr. Robert Roundtree, author of "Conscious Health for Every Child", one of my parenting bibles. He is a health guru, MD, and holistic health expert.  He spoke about this very topic.  It was so informative and wise.  Once again, I was reminded how much food can truly be our medicine!

Brassica is not just any vegetable, it is a super powered veggie family that strikes up a health potency like no other.  Brassica is made up of veggies like kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, watercress, radish, and even maca (a cousin of the well known radish).

They all have something in common.  That special Brassica ingredient, is a specialized molecule known in the supplement world as DIM (di-indol-3-carbinol) that is one of the best estrogen metabolizers out there.

DIM regulates hormones, balances out menopausal symptoms, PMS, and is a huge contributor to breast cancer prevention.

Dr. Robert Roundtree told us that day in the seminar that a recent study came out in the Journal for Americian Medicine.  This study stated that eating just 5 servings of the brassica family per week decreased the chances of breast cancer by 50%.  That is HUGE!!!

That means if you try to eat just something every day from the brassica family you are doing GREAT.  You are using food to contribute directly to your health and vitality.

You can throw a leaf or two into you smoothie as we mentioned in our last post - LIQUID LOVE.  You can steam up some broccoli for dinner, throw some radish into your salad, or get ready for some yummy brussel sprouts just in time for Thanksgiving.

We are going to HOOK YOU UP!!  Click the link below for the perfect fall brassica recipes.  Let me know if you need a little more brassica, and I can set you up with your very own DIM supplement.  Easy BREEZY.

Have fun in the kitchen, and remember...
“The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway.”   Michael Pollan



Good Morning Sunshine

It’s 6 am, and suddenly, the alarm clock pulls her out of an epic dream.  After hitting the snooze button several times, she decides to motivate, attack the grogginess and get ready for the day.  Staggering our of bed, the first thought that comes to mind is making a warm cup of brew before running out the door. snooze button

Breakfast, which may or may not happen, is something quick and easy, like a bowl of cereal, toast, or a self-proclaimed energy bar.

In less than a few hours, she feels tired and hungry again.  The cookie in the break room, or the scone at the coffee shop down the street, sounds appealing.  Before she can really think this through, she caves in and indulges in a sweet mid-morning snack.

By the time lunch rolls around, she's so hungry that she could eat a big Chipotle burrito.  She happily obliges this thought.  As mid-afternoon creeps by, she feels so run down and cranky that she can hardly stand it.  The second cup of joe isn’t an option, it’s a must - just to get her through the day.

Does this sound familiar ?  Many of us have been here, riding the blood sugar roller coaster day in and day out.  It all begins with the first meal of the day, also known as BREAKFAST.

The way we begin our day creates a foundation for how the rest of it unfolds.  If our first meal mainly consists of carbohydrates, without adequate protein and fat, then we’re bound to experience symptoms of high and low blood sugar thoughout the day.  Fortunately, we can direct our daily experiences in a healthy and mindful way by consuming a balanced breakfast.

The good news is that you can do this without much time or effort by simply making a LIQUID LOVE breakfast shake.

green smoothie

Why liquid love you ask?  Because you will LOVE your life oodles more when you see how good you feel!!!

Goodbye Mr. Coffee and toast, hello liquid green goddess of love!

You may think to yourself...why a shake instead of something more complete and whole like your favorite poached eggs, turkey bacon and sauted kale?  Well, if you can pull off a home cooked delightful breakfast on a week day, by all means GO FOR IT!  The problem is many of us are too rushed, feeding children, packing lunches, and sleeping until the last possible minute.

LIQUID LOVE may be the quickest and most complete option with the most super food and nutrient density ratios.

Studies show that if you start of your day on the RIGHT foot (ie low glycemic, high protein breakfast), you will eat 80% less sugar/carbohydrates throughout the day, and have a personal victory over your cravings in the late afternoon.

How does this sound to you??

Below we may have just the info you need.  Here is what LIQUID LOVE is are NOT:

They are NOT all fruit.

  • They do NOT have a bunch of juice as the base.
  • They do NOT taste chalky, grainy or horrible.
  • They do NOT leave you feeling like you are still hungry, unsatiated or bored with breakfast.

Check out our easy to use GUIDE TO LIQUID LOVE SMOOTHIES for all the details you need to make a breakfast to change your life!


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Gluten...Friend or Foe?

Most of you have heard of the gluten free movement by now. I am sure some of you have tried out this super trendy health regiment while others have shied away not knowing WHY this would be worth your time and efforts, or HOW you could ever survive without this food in your life. There are many questions when it comes to deciding if gluten free is for you. READ ON and you can make an informed decision if GLUTEN FREE LIVING is the right thing for you ~ the EATER.

Because the gluten free trend is so popular, many people are choosing to eat gluten free as a personal choice, not related to a specific allergy. Gluten is known to be an inflammatory food, and because it is found in SO MANY foods, including sauces, breads, Chinese food, grains, fried foods, salad dressings, and even soy sauce and tamari, it is often over eaten creating over exposure, inflammation and digestive distress.

Allergy, Intolerance and True Celiac Positive Tests

There are many ways to discover if you have a food allergy, food intolerance or a celiac positive situation. Having tested this on hundreds of patients using various methods, I must say that it seems critical to get your blood tested if you are seeking a scientific approach. When I administer a food allergy panel, the lab tests for fast reacting (food allergy), slow reacting (food intolerance) and celiac positive are all investigated.

This information is priceless. So often I see clients who are struggling with digestion, skin issues, chronic headaches, auto immune disease and many other issues and they are testing out the gluten free thing! Honestly, often it is NOT gluten that is the problem. So many times the results are surprising and even baffling with anything from almonds to eggs to dairy showing up and Negative gluten. WE CAN HELP! If you need this type of support simply reply to this email.

You can try to eliminate gluten for a month or so (100%) to see if you feel better and test it out in what we call the elimination/re-challenge method. You may see interesting symptoms appear, it may be as clear as day that gluten is a culprit to your health issues. This method requires a diligent removal of gluten so your body has a break from it completely. Follow up the elimination with a re-challenge so that you are confirming both the allergy and the symptoms related to the allergy.

If you do decide to go gluten free, there are many many resources available from on-line blogs and groups to on-line programs that educate you on cooking, food prep, menu-planning and product recommendations.

Gluten Free Resources

  • Gluten-free Goddesss -Karina takes really lovely photos of her gluten-free treats, and when we're looking for a gluten-free recipe, this is where we start.
  • 101 Cookbooks -Heidi takes you on a journey through her writing, photography and recipes
  • Oh she glows -Angela writes about her recovery in her relationship with food.  She is working on her first cookbook and shares inspirational, delicious, healthy recipes.
  • Sprouted Kitchen - A whole foods focused blog by Sara with the intention of encouraging people to eat real foods.
  • Elana's Pantry - Elana has written two books now on gluten-free baking, and her recipes always look fabulous!!
  • Gluten Free Mommy - Natalie blogs healthy, family-friendly food with a gluten-free emphasis.
  • A Gluten-Free Day - Emilia lives in Finland and posts recipes with photos that always make you want to cook and bake. Gluten-free or not, this is a must-read blog.

You can also seek the support of your nutritionist or health care practitioner. If this decision is RIGHT for you, find your support systems and build up your resources so you are set up for success.

Gluten free is not for everyone, but gluten AWARENESS is! Here are a few tips: Be sure you are not over eating refine carbohydrates and letting gluten infiltrate into every area of your diet ~ You CAN develop an allergy with over exposure of a food. Be sure you rotate your foods and eat primarily a plant based diet based in whole foods. If you are eating GLUTEN FREE, be aware of putting too many "GLUTEN FREE" products that are not whole food based into your diet. Use them sparingly so that your "go-to" are unrefined unprocessed foods.

We are here for you. Come over to our FACEBOOK page and follow us with daily health tips, science, psychology and inspired living...


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RASA ~ The Taste of Life!


How is the end of your summer?  Is your life delicious these days?  This is my favorite time of year, with the cooler nights and a lot of delicious summertime abundance in it's fullest explosion.  We get to taste life's fullness all round us.

The word RASA comes from the Sansrit language and is often translated into definitions such as “divine nectar”, “taste”, “essence”, or even “juice”. RASA includes many different flavors that we experience sparking the distinction between a sweet summer peach, a bulb of garlic and a cooling sour lemon.

Given your uniqueness and individuality you can determine the balance of RASA for your character while also balancing the flavors on your plate and your personal experience of life.  Customized RASA for feeling and flavor.

The Traditions Chinese Medicine regards each of the 5 flavors (bitter, salty, sweet, pungent and sour) as a dynamic representation, not only a specific geography of your tongue and palate but also a larger geography of your life in its constitution and balance.   Awakening to the taste of food and the taste of life can guide you to more mindfulness with meals and wakefulness with your own hunger for life.

With each of the 5 flavors take some time to investigate which flavors you are drawn to, such as the  ones you overeat, as well as the flavors you shy away from.  Practice balancing your plate with something from each flavor to come up with the perfect balance for you.  Within this balance, it is often noticed that we also balance out our own hunger cues, empower ourselves with our usual cravings and enhance our inner experience with our meals.


Grains, milks, fruits, and nuts provide a whole body sweetness.  Sweetness is the most nourishing flavor, all the way from breast milk to a homemade desert.  Sweetness nourishes the body to the highest degree and sings to the heart’s strength and longevity.   This flavor is the most over eaten and out of balance in our culture.  Often people get all the way through lunchtime without any other flavor other than sweet on their plate. Sound familiar?


Salt, seaweed and cheeses deliver salt to the body.  Salt maintains electrolytes in the body while the salty flavor increases courage and fearlessness.


Foods such as hot peppers, garlic and ginger diffuse pungent.  Pungent clears the sinuses and improves circulation. Pungent foods are known to increase passion and excitement ~ Oh Ya!!


Bitter is experienced in foods like kale, spinach and chocolate.  Bitter foods purify and cleanse the body, especially the liver.  Bitter is the most lacking in the Western World's diet, even though bitter foods often offer the most health benefits and spiritual enhancement.


Citrus, green grapes, vinegars and pickles offer the sour flavor.  Sour is energizing and aids in digestion.  The sour flavor is known to increase spiritual fire and passion for life. Most of us would fancy a little more of that!


As you fine-tune your RASA you will wake up to a more sensual, descriptive and exciting experience with your relationship to food.  You have the opportunity to bring more attention and awareness to eating that will refines the senses and wake you up to the moment.  The taste of life and the true experience of food connect body with soul, and heart with mind.  Practice the art of a little more RASA and begin to taste your life to the fullest.


Enjoy the late summer days and nights, and bask in your own gratitude for life and all it's flavors.



Be a SUPER HERO in your own life!

Feeling our most energetic, powerful, and strong selves is what most of us are looking for. Our lives these days seem more full than ever before, and are demanding more attention, awareness, and multi-tasking then any other time in history to date. For example, the amount of mail we receive in a week has grown exponentially from the times when we would receive just a few letters in the mail, snail mail that was , when there was no email at all, to now where we literally skim through hundreds of mailings per day.

Many of us have a very full schedule, a busy home life with children and family, and a social life that is calling us to keep the pleasure meter rockin.


Here is the thing, I am a person who is looking for a way to give back in my own life on a global scale.  I seek to celebrate the small ways I serve my family and business while also giving back in the largest ways I can.

It takes a lot of energy to balance all we want and need to accomplish in our lives while still staying centered, balanced, and well fueled.

If you want to be a SUPER HERO in your own life, check out some of Boulder Nutrition’s favorite SUPER FOODS below. You will likely find more energy and SUPER POWER than you even knew you had with just a few of these specialized ingredients. These potent foods are most often right at your finger tips…check them out. You will be SO glad you did!


Boulder Nutrition's Top 10 Favorite SUPER FOODS


“Bee-lieve” it, the benefits of raw honey rise above the myths of agave or your average wildflower honey.  Local, raw honey has higher nutrition value since it is not heated past 105 degrees and can assist in diminishing allergies.  If honey is raw it can scrub impurities from the body.  Raw honey is known for its anti-viral and anti-bacterial making is also a great immune booster. (Warning: Reports from Food Safety News groups have reported that three-fourths of the honey sold in U.S. grocery stores isn’t honey)


2.  KALE

A simple green packed with nutrients that can be prepared and enjoyed in thousands of ways.  Kale is a form of cabbage with green or purple leaves, in which the central leaves do not form a head.  Kale is high in Fiber and great for digestion.  Try adding it to your next smoothie or massaging it with sesame oil then sprinkling it with some almonds and diced peppers.  Often known as the most nutritious of all the veggies, give your kale a try - and a hug.



Do you crave sweets like I do? Feel less guilty by indulging in a bite of dark chocolate.  The cacao bean contains more than 400 chemicals, and many of them affect human health.  Dark chocolate if rich of flavonoids and studies have shown antioxidant activity, endothelial function, lower blood pressure and assistance in blood clot formation. It is also known as a food to induce high amounts of pleasure.  Try a little...



Goji berries have been used in India and around Asia for thousands of years to support sleep, energy, aging, vision, liver and kidney function.  These tasty and trendy little berries are life force inducing, easy to snack on, and one of the most potent berries found to date.  Mix them into trail mix, throw them on top of oatmeal, or just much away on there own for a sweet and sassy snack.





Super food, super spice. Turmeric ranked number 6 of the top 100 high ORAC value antioxidant foods.  Turmeric is a spice most commonly found in curry but it’s medical benefits are golden rich.  Some of the most amazing demonstrated properties include: destroying multi-drug resistant cancer, destroying cancer stem cells, protecting against radiation-induced damage, reducing unhealthy levels of inflammation, protecting against heavy metal toxicity and preventing and reversing Alzheimer’s disease associated pathologies.  Add tumeric to your food, take it as a supplement (commonly known as curcumin) or make it into a delicious tea.


Coconuts are a wonder food on planet earth. Coconut is so important to stabilize blood sugar; lower cholesterol; hydrate; and even replace blood plasma in an emergency.  In ancient India, the coconut palm has been recognized as a top immune booster, antifungal, antibiotic, antiviral and antibacterial remedy for thousands of years.  Coconut oil, water, and milk can all be used as delicious ingredients to many dishes.


Chia seed is highly nutritious, medicinal see that has been used for centuries for its beneficial properties. Chia was a staple for Incan, Mayan, and Aztec cultures. High in essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid, made up of 30% protein, Vitamins A, B, E, and D, and a wide array of trace minerals. Chia ia a wonderful addition to your snacks and meals.  Chia is filling, it has a fun texture, and it is a great way to increase your omega's with a plant based source of omega 3!  Add CHIA seeds to water, smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt for a little extra “CHI” in your life.



Beetroot juice has recently been given recognition as one of the top recommended superfoods. The juice of this delicious root vegetable is rich in antioxidants and naturally occurring  healthy nitrates. When consumed, the body converts nitrates to nitric oxide, a compound that enhances blood flow in the vessels and helps lower blood pressure. Because of these beneficial attributes, beetroot juice can increase exercise performance and support heart health. Cheers to beetroot juice!


9.  MACA

Maca, a Peruvian superfood grown high in the Andes mountains, has been used for thousands of years by the Incas. Since maca is in the Brassicaceae family, it is related to the more commonly known root vegetables such as radish and turnip. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein, and phytonutrients, maca is purported to have a number of health benefits. These include increasing energy and stamina, balancing hormones, repairing adrenal function and enhancing sexual function. Ooh la la!

10.  LOVE

LOVE is the ultimate superfood. In our busy worlds, we are so often rushing through meals, disconnected from our food, it’s source and how it has landed on our plates. Learning to put love, reverence and intention into both the food as we eat it and our food as we prepare it makes a tangible difference in how your body assimilates the nutrients, and how your body metabolizes the food into energy.

Add some LOVE into your meals. Experiment! See how you feel when you have dinner with a loved one, or sit down on a lovely fall day in the park to enjoy your lunch. Light a candle while you cook, chant while you simmer your soups, and give thanks for the abundance you have on your plate.


Every other superfood pales in comparison to LOVE in your experience with food.  

Most of all LOVE your self with every bite.



When the SUN stands still in the SKY - Happy Solstice

Ever since I was a little girl, the summer solstice has been my most favorite day of the year.  Somehow the concept of the most light + the longest day of the year always inspired me.  Living in Canada as a child I remember camping in the Canadian Rockies where it would stay light until after 11pm.  It felt magical.  Today I still honor these prominent celestial holidays. Shiva_Mystic-96-of-125

Along with the winter solstice, we have these two high holidays to mark what we came into the new year with back a few months ago, and how it is unfolding.  How are you continually manifesting the life you want, and where have we forgotten to focus or be diligent with (as all humans do)?  What seeds in your life were planted in the darkest nights of winter and are now growing into full bloom?

Awed by the great power of the sun, civilizations have for centuries celebrated the first day of summer otherwise known as the SUMMER SOLSTICE.  The Celts and Slavs celebrated the first day of summer with dancing and bonfires to help increase the sun's energy. The Chinese marked the day by honoring Li, the Chinese Goddess of Light.

SOL + STICE derives from a combination of Latin words meaning "sun" + "to stand still."  As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky.  I ask you this beautiful solstice day, to STAND STILL and pause to ask yourself the following questions:

1.  How am I living my potential?

We all know life is very precious.  What would it be like to be honoring and celebrating your life each and every day by living your calling?  When we live in the manner of passion and purpose, we have more energy and feel connected to an inner force within us driving us to our potential.  The life force with in us is flowing freely.  We are ignited in our own lives.

2.  Do I feel connected to the earth?

The seasons and the rhythms of nature have a bigger force on our own personal health and inner rhythms than we may realize.  Sometimes, rather than thinking of ourselves as living close to nature, (which is a wonderful way to think), I think of myself as being PART OF nature.  We ARE nature, therefore we are part of it's web.  Living with this in mind, especially on a day like today, the SUMMER SOLSTICE, we can match our rhythms and synchronize ourselves with the expansion of summer.  This can also lend itself to more life force, and an organic quality to how we move through life.  In the summer we are more expansive, active and move with a different pulse than the darkness of winter.  Sync yourself back up this SOLSTICE Day.

3.  Am I respecting myself?

One of the most important ways we can honor our health and well being is through self love.  This means we eat with self love, we think of ourselves with self love and we move in our world with self love.  When this is happening it is a lot easier to give love and act in a loving way towards others.  It starts from the inside out.  When we slow down and listen to our thoughts many of us are surprised at how critical and hard on ourselves we can be.  As the SOLSTICE is the lightest day of the year, I invite you to use it as an opportunity to bring in more light to your life.  Move towards loving thoughts, nourishing your body with love and staying in the light as much as possible.  YOU DESERVE IT!

Having practiced yoga for many years, I still bow to the sun every time I set foot on my yoga mat.  Today I bow, to the light in each of you.



Launch your Localicious Summer + Colorado Localicious Summer Guide

....and Learn 3 secrets that will change your relationship to food for good!

I know many of you have heard the term "localicious" before, the term referring to eating local + delicious.  Some of you may have even explored eating local, buying organic and upgrading your diet to a more healthful, and nutrient dense style.  What you may NOT have heard is how eating local can change your relationship to food and your body.


Here are a few specialized BOULDER NUTRITION secrets that will transform how you THINK about your food from here forward.

These 3 small do-able TWEAKS will transform your summer.

Start now...  REClAIM your health once and for all.


PLUS, click here and --> download your free LOCALICIOUS guide today and you will be ready to ROCK your summer ASAP!

1.  The Secret is in the SOURCE

Have you ever tried a recipe passed down from your mother's Italian grandmother, or made yourself a garden salad that you and your children planted seeds for on mothers day?  Better yet, have you ever watched your child pick carrots from the local community garden and then smack their lips and open their hearts in joy?  There is something very magical that happens when we connect with our food, the places it grows, and the love that goes into it.

There is no mistaking that a current lack of connection is a primary root cause to our countries health and obesity issues.  When we buy the majority of our food in vacuum sealed bags, large wholesale quantities, or eat fast food on the run - we lose the connection.

The food-heart connection is one secret that permeates many layers into your relationship with food.  This connection literally can shift OVER EATING, BINGING, and EMOTIONAL EATING patterns.  Eating local is a wonderful place to start.  When you sit down to a meal full of a heart connection to your plate, a totally different savoring occurs.  Just like the age old Italian grandmother's recipe, eating local allows us to treasure, enjoy and feel the love being passed down from our forks to our fondness.

2.  LOVE your Farmer, LOVE your self

The organic farmers of today remind me of good kings (or queens).  They rule the land with care, they nourish the people of the kingdom (community) and they ensure good health for all. Good kings ward off the evil villains (a.k.a. Monsanto) while protecting the lineage and age old traditions for generations to come.  Sound familiar?

Loving your farmer provides a vital link between eaters and the importance of protecting our precious farmland.  Loving your farmer directly translates into self love with every bite of fresh local food that nourishes you directly down to a cellular level.  Famers love support from the local community and YOU feel supported by your own health choices.

3.  Eating for a GREATER CAUSE

Just like anything we do, when we do it in service, it juices us up and raises our vibration.  Running a race for a cause, buying concert tickets to raise money for a global mission, or eating to support the health of our communities raises the COLLECTIVE vibration.  When every bite has meaning and passion, we then have more pleasure and gusto with our food.  Truthfully, it is more ETHICAL to eat locally.  In addition to being fresher and riper, the food hasn’t cost an ecological fortune in fossil fuels coming across the continent.  We are making an impact with our food choice for a happier planet.  Eating for a greater cause changes the dynamic between you and your plate.

YOU can do this!  The Free Download-localicious summer guide will help you to navigate your recipe book, cruise your kitchen, the local section of the grocery store and local farmers' markets with confidence.  Make this summer a localicious movement that changes your health and relationship to every bite.



GMO Roulette ~ With Expert Tips to GMO-Free Shopping

With the March against Monsanto going on world wide, and the day-to-day political, and health and wellness choices we continually face at this time in the world, I thought it was particularly important to share some facts, tips and check in with you about what is REALLY going on with GMOs. We spend our dollars on food for ourselves and our families each week, but do we know where we are putting our money, do we know what we are actually buying?     gmo-tomato

The GMO current situation may be one of the biggest challenges of our time and we are being called to become aware, to educate, and to act in what each of us consider a mindful way navigating this GMO roulette.

Today we are going to explore what is currently happening and what YOU (and I) can do to take action, protect and be wise navigating around this potential health disaster.

Stay tuned, as this information is critical to share! Also, to give you a little hand holding, we created a guide to the grocery store, our handy grocery store tips to avoid/bring awareness to GMO free food.  Hungry for Change ~ NON-GMO shopping guide

What is a GMO?

GMO foods are the product of a high tech cell invasion that uses bacteria and viruses to forcefully break a cell's natural defenses to allow genetic material to enter and create the genetically modified food.  Genetic mutations can permanently turn genes “on” or “off”.Virtually all commercial GMO foods are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide. Despite biotech industry promises, none of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit.  Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damage and violation of farmers’ and consumers’ rights.

What are the impacts of GMOs on the environment?

Over 80% of all GMOs grown worldwide are engineered for herbicide tolerance. As a result, use of toxic herbicides like Roundup has increased 15 times since GMOs were introduced. GMO crops are also responsible for the emergence of “super weeds” and “super bugs" which can only be killed with ever more toxic poisons like 2-4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange).  GMOs are a direct extension of chemical agriculture, and are developed and sold by the world’s biggest chemical companies. The long-term impacts of GMOs are unknown, and once released into the environment these novel organisms cannot be recalled.

How do GMOs affect farmers?

Because GMOs are novel life forms, biotechnology companies have been able to obtain patents with which to restrict their use. As a result, the companies that make GMOs now have the power to sue farmers whose fields are contaminated with GMOs, even when it is the result of inevitable drift from neighboring fields. GMOs therefore pose a serious threat to farmer sovereignty and to the national food security of any country where they are grown, including the United States.


Monsanto is a global agricultural biotech company – mostly know for genetically engineered seeds.  Monsanto has become the center stage for the destruction of our seeds, our diversity, our food and our freedom.  Upheld by the supreme crt, Monsanto protection act making it immune from protecting diversity and contamination.

The only way consumers are going to win this crisis is if the mainstream demands to know what is in our food.  Labeling is important!!  That is the main goal of the march against Monsanto.

The non-GMO project

Thanks to the non-GMO project we are still (but maybe not for long) able to see which products are non-GMO.  The GMO free verification seal indicates that the product bearing the seal has gone through a strict verification process. The verification is an assurance that a product has been produced according to consensus-based best practices for GMO avoidance.

Hungry for Change ~ NON-GMO shopping guide

This is critical information of our time!  It is important to act, not just upon our health, but also upon our freedom. Our freedom to choose is something we often take for granted, and in the Monsanto Protection Act and the GMO movement in general, we are seeing this right slip away.  Making small changes in how you shop, what you eat, and where your dollars go is a great place to start.
