It had been a long time coming!

I was three quarters of the way through writing my manuscript, I had led three retreats in less than six months, and I had a full content calendar staring at back at me every time I set food in my home office.

My life had been ticking along just like my mind had planned, but my body was beginning to say something different.

Sometimes (if not most times) I've noticed a pretty significant gap between what my mind wants me to do and what my body is actually up for.

Does that ever happen with you *|FNAME|*?

For most of my life my mind would win this inner tug-of-war, by my constant pushing through, forcing, and overriding. 

Not this time. 😬

Call it perimenopause, my aging wisdom, or deep intuition (I am still not sure), but I started waking up in the middle of the night with a terrible panic setting in. In the wee dark hours of the night I kept having the recurring fantasy of canceling everything –– and I mean everything.

I don't remember ever having that feeling before.

Honestly, it scared the yoga pants off of me.

What I discovered and what I did next is what I am sharing with you in this brand new episode (and brand new season) of SATIATE: From (Almost) Burnout to Balance. 

In honor of the autumnal equinox (happy fall!), the balance of equal light and dark all over the planet, and the season of tending to our inner wells to ensure we are strengthening ourselves as we move towards to colder months, I wanted to share a very personal (and vulnerable) story with you.

Have a listen when you are folding your laundry, taking a bath, walking your dog, or driving to work (my favorite times to listen to podcasts).

This is potent medicine of our time. I know this simply because I sit with women all day long in my private practice and on retreat who share with me their version of a very similar story. I know I am not alone.


Want to go deeper?

I can't wait to share with you the exact ingredients that have worked for me and my clients in trusting the wisdom our bodies and discovering the key to personal freedom with food and life in my brand new virtual masterclass: SAVOR~BODY-BASED WISDOM FOR FOOD AND LIFE.

This brand new fresh masterclass comes from the very foundation of my work (functional nutrition, food psychology, and psycho-spiritual practice) and personal experience culminating over the past two decades.

If you want to commit to fully aligning with your truth, mindfully tending to your well being, and making peace with your plate (without succumbing to negative diet culture messaging, good girl/bad girl mentality, and the impossible patriarchal food and body standards!), I can hardly wait to share this with you!

SAVOR is about presencing ourselves to all the wisdom, peace, and personal freedom that is possible with food and life.

I will help you to savor your way into sacred self-care ensuring you can fill up your cup with clear intentions, aligned action, and authentic eating and living. 


I hope I see you there!
