It is the time of year when intentions are flying!

Unfortunately, some of them are flying out the window 🤯.

Until recently, I had no idea there was an actual day in January called Quitter's Day. 

😬 It kind of makes me cringe.

While I don't normally buy into things like this, especially written in such a negative tone, I have found myself more curious this year.

I do love to study the human psyche.

This year, it was said to be January 17th (ironically the very day I am writing you this email) based on data and trends related to behavior change.

The concept is based on the idea that, after the initial enthusiasm and motivation that comes with the start of the new year, many individuals begin to face challenges or experience a decline in their commitment.

This could be due to factors such as a lack of a clear plan or encountering obstacles (inner or outer) that make the pursuit of what we want more difficult than anticipated.

Not only that, if we are not careful we tend to get busy and distracted 🙋🏽‍♀️. 

Last week in my email to you, I highlighted a slow and steady approach, and this is exactly why.

What is important to note (and the antidote to Quitter's day) is that we all have the power of awareness and hence the power to recommit (over and over again) to our intentions. Also, we can decide to make positive shifts at any time of the year.

I have been studying the art and science of setting intention from the yogic perspective for almost two decades –– it fascinates me. Many of you have joined me in my yearly mini-retreat + ritual, ENVISION, where we dive deep into this. 

If you need a little intention reboot this week, check out the new SATIATEepisode where I bridge practicality, soulfulness, and a little bit of magic to remind us of some of the most impactful ways to nourish our intentions this year 🪴. 

May we cherish each step of our paths.

Happy listening!


Want to keep listening? Peruse some recent episodes of SATIATE below!
